Murkok — 12×23 showcase

George Palladev 2.12.2020

Murkok — 12×23 showcase

Ambient and drone for the night. Sometimes I ask interesting musicians to record a showcase mix that consists exclusively of their works. I want to show their sound, their vision, and also their reflection. Today, we have “The Best” of Ilya Murkok. He says: “One person said that my music is a mono sound. And this is the best-case scenario—many people don’t take my music seriously at all.

It’s actually not mono, but stereo, and it has not one, but many sounds. But the definition is really concise and accurate. Nevertheless, for me, this is the most convenient way to express the feeling of the presence of something invisible and intangible around us. My music is about attention to detail, to what is happening here and now, it is observation and impression. There is something true, real and unchangeable. When I look for it in myself and around, I probably hear something similar to this mono sound. Although it’s not everyone’s definition of music (too much noise and not enough order), I still feel the form and hear the harmony of this mono sound, and therefore it makes perfect sense to me. In general, writing about music with words is too difficult, it’s too abstract. Someone said once: You don’t need to talk about music—you need to listen to it.