Laurent Garnier, Derrick May and Acid Eiffel

“For all the artists of Fnac Dance Division, Wake Up parties were a sort-of laboratory where you could test the fruits of your musical experiments in real conditions. By a happy coincidence, the evening when I first played a DAT-tape with the track Acid Eiffel recorded a day before, Derrick May came to the Wake Up party.

I was standing and watching the reaction of the hall, which was rather reassuring, when Derrick came to me all excited. “What’s that shit, man?”—he shouted. “I recorded it with Shazz and Ludo yesterday, just for fun”,—I replied. Derrick gave me a withering look. “You don’t make a record for fun, man!”,—he said and went to play his set. When the party was over, Derrick came to me again and said that he’d like to release Acid Eiffel on his Fragile Records label.” Laurent Garnier, “Électrochoc”. And an absolute masterpiece of acid techno. 1993.