FM-84 — Atlas. Briefly about the No. 1 retrowave album

Around fifteen years ago, retrowave was the domain of a small group of marginals (such as Miami Nights 84), and others looked at them with the question: “Why are they rewriting old music?” Today, the number of retrowave releases is in the hundreds of thousands, and almost all of them are the mediocre copying of old techniques with the same unoriginal graphic design. Col Bennett did the impossible: he managed to create actual music out of these techniques and make a solid melodic album. So good that it can overshadow all subsequent ones. Bennett exposes his passion for the eighties, where all childhood memories are in bright colours, and the vocalists are ardently emotional.
“Atlas is the story of wonder, imagination, dreams, youth, innocence, love and heartbreak all captured under the golden light of a fading summer sun.” says Col Bennett about his own musical postcard from the eighties.